POWERGRID Parli Transmission Limited

(Location: Maharashtra)
Transmission system associated with Gadarwara STPS (2x800 MW) of NTPC
Incorporation date
30 July 2014
TSA date
9 February 2015
Transmission license issue date
10 July 2015
Commercial Operation Date
June 2018
Remaining TSA tenure
29.18 years as on 31.03.2024
Gross block
INR 19,290 million as on 31.03.2024

Application under Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission License and other related matters) Regulations, 2009 for grant of separate Transmission License to POWERGRID Parli Transmission Limited for implementation of 400 kV line bay at 765/400 kV Parli (New) S/s for interconnection of RE project through “Regulated Tariff Mechanism” (RTM) mode.
Transmission lines/Substations Location Line length / Transformation capacity Specifications Contribution to total transmission charges
Parli (New) –Solapur Maharashtra 235.92 ckm 765 kV D/C 43.00%
Parli (New) –Parli (PG) Maharashtra 36.50 ckm 400 kV D/C
2 x 1500 MVA, 765/400kV Parli (New) S/S Maharashtra 3,000 MVA 765/400 kV Substation
Warora (Pooling Station) –Parli (New) Maharashtra 693.70 ckm 765 kV D/C 57.00%